Soft Roll

CATEGORY: Pastry and Bread

TAGS: #breakfast, #pastry, #bread

Cooking Time

2 hours

Cooking Level



Bowl, Measuring Cups & Spoon, Deep Baking Tray


8-10 People


  • 250 ml water (room temperature)

  • 3 teaspoon dry yeast

  • 417 g bread flour (sifted)

  • 20 g milk power

  • 20 ml oil

  • 2 egg (1 egg for egg wash)

  • 40 ml 35% cream

  • 4 g salt

  • 25 g sugar

  • sesame seed (optional)

Cooking Process

Step 1
Put water and dry yeast together, let it stand until foamy (around 5 mins)

Step 2
Add yeast water, bread flour, milk power, oil, 1 egg, cream, salt and sugar to the machine for 1 min, knead mode

Step 3
Transfer dough to floured table work. Dry the dough, then return to bowl, cover, and allow to ferment in warm area (around 30 mins)

Step 4
Punch down dough when double in size. Allow it to rise again (around 30 mins). Divide dough into 100 g per portion

Step 5
Place onto paper-lined pans, egg wash (add sesame seed if you wish) and give a final 30 mins proof. Bake at 425°F for 15-20 mins or until golden brown